Welcome to the Surgical Outcomes Research Center

The  Surgical Outcomes Research Center is a multidisciplinary group committed to improving patient outcomes and applying high quality and purposeful research to professional practice. The organization values collegial interaction and strong scientific principles.


The Surgical Outcomes Research Center is dedicated to improving patient safety and outcomes through furthering knowledge and increasing the efficiency of musculoskeletal care.

Vision Statement

We will become the recognized authority on issues of patient outcomes and safety and of healthcare system performance in orthopedics through the creation of knowledge and tools that support patients, providers, and policy makers when making important decisions concerning treatment and recovery from musculoskeletal conditions.

For information, contact us

Surgical Outcomes Research Center

JHOC Suite 5244

601 N. Caroline Street

Baltimore, MD 21287

(443) 287-2880 tel

(410) 614-1451 fax

(443) 863-8332 G-voice

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