The Surgical Outcomes Research Center offers a popular medical tutorial to undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students at the Johns Hopkins University.  In this tutorial, we strive to give students an exposure to academic medicine as it pertains to spine surgery. Specifically, this means that we alternate our tutorial on a weekly basis with students observing a surgeon in the clinic (Week A) and assisting a researcher in the office (Week B). 

During the observation of the surgeon, the student is exposed to the discussion between the surgeon and the medical staff (resident, NP, etc.) during review of each patient's condition and to the interaction between surgeon and patient during the physical examination. 

During the assistance with the researcher, the student will learn the various steps of clinical research. This will include literature reviews, data entry, and potential interaction with study participants.

Because we alternate with the clinic, we structure the tutorial to coincide with the clinic schedule here at the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center. Therefore, we have time slots available on Monday (all day), Wednesday (all day), Thursday (morning) and Friday (all day). We ask each student to commit to a 4 hour time slot and to be as consistent as possible during the semester. 

Please check your schedule and determine if this will fit with your class load. If you would like more information, please contact us.

For those students participating in the Spring 2020 tutorial, we have been asked by the Office of Medical Tutorials to provide remote learning opportunities. Moving forward, we will alternate between distance learning and remote work. Distance learning will consist of curated videos and reading on spine health and surgery. Please visit our Resources to view Educational Resources. Remote work will be communicated directly and consist of literature searchers, document management, and creating a digital library. Remote work will be conducted on the Johns Hopkins SAFE Desktop.

For information, contact us

Surgical Outcomes Research Center

JHOC Suite 5244

601 N. Caroline Street

Baltimore, MD 21287

(443) 287-2880 tel

(410) 614-1451 fax

(443) 863-8332 G-voice

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